Writings in Hungarian - Magyar nyelvű írások
I spent most of my adult life in Canada, so even though I'll never get rid of my accent, English often comes more naturally to me than my mother tongue. Nonetheless, there are a few things, mostly personal, that I write about in Hungarian.
Felnőtt életem legnagyobb részét Kanadában éltem le, így van az hogy habár az akcentusomat sosem fogom elveszíteni, sokszor könnyebben fejezem ki magam angolul mint az anyanyelvemen. Mindenesetre akad néhány, leginkább személyes téma, melyről magyarul írok.
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I decided eons ago that one day, I'll prepare a Web page about my father, István Tóth. It is time, before my own time is up, to make it happen (in Hungarian).
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When my father-in-law died, we found among his possessions this hand-made book containing wartime notes and poems written by my wife's great-grandfather in 1915 (in Hungarian).
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My very close friend, Ferenc Szatmári, died in 1998. This is what I wrote upon receiving news of his death (in Hungarian).