The other day, someone asked: What's a straightforward way to derive Schwarzschild celebrated metric?
The Schwarzschild solution of course is the spherically symmetric, static, vacuum solution of Einstein's general theory of relativity.
We assume a spherically symmetric, static, vacuum metric. That means that the metric can be written in the form,
ds^2 = B dt^2 - A dr^2 - r^2 d\Omega^2,
with the (as yet unknown) quantities $A$ and $B$ being functions of the $r$ coordinate only.
The nonzero Christoffel-symbols associated with this metric are given by
In a vacuum, the Einstein-tensor is zero, $G_{\mu\nu}=R_{\mu\nu}-\tfrac{1}{2}Rg_{\mu\nu}=0$ (with $R_{\mu\nu} = \Gamma_{\mu\nu,\alpha}^\alpha-\Gamma_{\mu\alpha,\nu}^\alpha+\Gamma_{\mu\nu}^\beta\Gamma_{\alpha\beta}^\alpha+\Gamma_{\mu\alpha}^\beta\Gamma_{\nu\beta}^\alpha$).
Calculating the mixed-index Einstein tensor is straightforward. We get, in particular,
G_{tt} = \frac{A'r + A^2 - A}{A^2r^2}.
For a vacuum solution, this must be zero, hence $A'r + A^2 - A = 0,$ which is solved by $A = 1 / (1 - C/r)$ where $C$ is an integration constant.
Next, we take
Again, in the vacuum the numerator of this expression must be zero. After substituting the solution for $A$ we can solve for $B$. We find that $B = K/A,$ where $K$ is another constant. We can set $K=1$ with impunity by simply rescaling the time coordinate.
To find the value of $C,$ we move on to the geodesic equations. Taking the Newtonian limit and radial motion, so $t \approx \tau$ (proper time); the angular coordinates are zero, $\phi = \theta = 0;$ and $C^2 \approx 0,$ as it is much smaller than the other quantities involved. Assuming zero initial velocity, so $\dot{r} = 0$ (the dot representing differentiation with respect to proper time), we get the equation
\ddot{r} + C/2r^2 = 0.
comparing against Newton's gravity, we find that C = 2GM, so we finally get the Newtonian gravitational acceleration
This derivation can be automated. Here's a Maxima script that performs all the steps discussed above:
The first six lines of this script set up the metric. Next, the Christoffel-symbols and the Einstein tensor are calculated. Then we solve for $G_{tt}=0$ using Maxima's built-in ODE solver, ode2
, and obtain an expression for $A.$ Using this solution, we use $G_{rr}=0$ to solve for $B.$ Finally, we use Maxima to compute the geodesic equations of this metric and plug in the solutions for $A$ and $B$; after applying our approximation scheme, we get the final acceleration equation in the Newtonian limit.